Friday, 26 December 2008

Cost of Helmet a Small Price: Expert

By Sok Khemara, VOA Khmer
Original report from Washington
25 December 2008

As many as 90 percent of fatalities in road accidents are caused by head injuries, highlighting the importance of helmets, a safety expert said Thursday.

A helmet might cost $10, but it is worth it, said Sann Socheata, manager of the road safety program for Handicap International Belgium.

"There should be thorough thinking, that is it $10 that can cure one's head if there is an injury by road accident," she said, as a guest on "Hello VOA."

Prime Minister Hun Sen on Monday urged motorcycle riders to wear a helmet, calling traffic deaths a worse tragedy than AIDS or land mines and reiterating a no-exception helmet law.

Sann Socheata said Thursday that riders who are ticketed by police, who often impose unofficial fines, should obtain a receipt.

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