Friday, 9 January 2009

2000 miles in Cambodia


By Garry Moloney
08 January 2009

The first photo is my girlfriend and I with our copy of MCN outside the Bayon temple in Siem Reap Cambodia.

We did about 2000 miles in and around Siem Reap on our 125 Honda Dream in 2 months. About half of our mileage was on unmade roads or even off road completely, that's why we had the knobbly tyres fitted. The bike ran like a dream (or even a Honda Dream).

It was regularly taken through mud, sand and water up to 18 inches deep. We only had one occasion when the water was a little too deep and the bike started to misfire. As far as maintenance goes we only had the front wheel bearings replaced, new rear shock absorbers, new battery, chain adjusted and a scheduled oil change. Not bad considering most of the time we were 2 up and half the time off road.

Scariest moment was when the engine started to misfire whilst riding through 18 inch deep flood water. Best moment was riding through the Angkor Temples.

Picture 2. This is a complete house with it's contents and occupants still in it being moved on a trailer on the back of a 125cc bike.

Picture 3. Count the number of legs. 6 up on a bike. We keep being told to "save the planet" by travelling with more than one person in a car or on a bike. I think this is the ultimate in environmentally sound travel!

Picture 4. How much does this lot weigh? About half a ton of bananas being pulled by a tiny bike.
Picture 5. This guy rides every day into the rural areas, mostly off road, to collect coconuts. We helped him get moving with this lot. Check out the cleaver.

Picture 6. Live chickens on the way to market.

Picture 7. The pigs on the back of this bike are going to market. The driver has covered their bellies with grass and twigs so they don't get sun burned.

Picture 8. Pigs doing a mooney on us!

We would highly recommend Cambodia to all MCN readers, the Cambodian people are the nicest, cheeriest most generous people you could ever wish to meet.

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