Wednesday, 21 January 2009

Cambodia Expecting Phone Growth in a Weakening Economy


­Cambodian phone companies expect to continue to expand their business, despite the general economic downturn. The expansion plans continue despite increasing competition in the market, where penetration levels are low, but the number of operators is high.

"Our expansion plans are on track," Adam Cabot, CEO of Star-Cell told the Phnom Penh Post.

The company announced last year it was going to expand services to all of Cambodia's provinces for its 100,000 subscribers. "Yes, [the crisis] will have an effect, but it is hard to say how much. We are still maintaining our position and doing well," he added.

So Khun, Minister of Posts and Telecommunications, told the Post last Tuesday that the ministry welcomes new competitors in the phone market and that more companies will lead to cheaper services."I think the telecom business still has a lot of room to grow. There are still many Cambodians who do not have phone services, which is a big opportunity for new companies."

Figures from the Mobile World notes that the country ended last September with an estimated 3.5 million mobile phone users - representing a population penetration level of 24%. The country has five active networks - but eight firms hold licenses.

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