Thursday, 29 January 2009

Cambodia Reports Increase in Antiretroviral Treatment Access
Jan 28, 2009

More than 92% of people living with HIV/AIDS in Cambodia had access to antiretroviral treatment in 2008 -- a 7% increase in the number of people who had treatment access compared with the previous year -- Xinhuanet reports. The increase in treatment access brings the country closer to reaching its goal of making antiretrovirals available to almost all people living with HIV/AIDS by 2010, according to Mean ChhiVun, director of the National Center for HIV/AIDS, Dermatology and STDs. No-cost treatment was provided to 31,989 people in 2008 -- including 3,067 children -- in 77 government-run health entities and partner organizations in the country, according to ChhiVun. Cambodia has reduced its HIV prevalence to 0.9% from 3.3% in 1991, according to Xinhuanet (Xinhuanet, 1/26).

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