Friday, 9 January 2009

German media praises Vietnam’s role in toppling Pol Pot regime

VOV News

Germany’s Junge Welt (Young World) newspaper has highlighted Vietnam’s assistance in toppling the Pol Pot regime in Cambodia 30 years ago.

The article, published on Jan. 8 and entitled “Cambodia celebrates the 30th anniversary of its victory over Pol Pot: Thanks Vietnam”, stressed that, with the assistance of Vietnamese volunteer soldiers, the Cambodian United Front for National Salvation were able to topple the Pol Pot regime, forcing him and his accomplices to withdraw into the forests bordering Thailand.

Without this assistance, which began on December 25, 1978, it would have been very difficult for Cambodia to prevent and abolish the regime within a week, the paper added.

Previously, two other German newspapers, Die Welt (The World) and FTD (The Financial Times), carried articles highlighting the importance of this event to the Cambodian people. The two papers also spoke highly of the assistance given to the people of Cambodia by the Vietnamese volunteer force.

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