Tuesday, 20 January 2009

State President receives Cambodian NA chairman

VOV News

The Party, State and people of Vietnam want to foster long-lasting relations of mutual trust with Cambodia, said President Nguyen minh Triet while receiving Heng Samrin, Chairman of the Cambodian National Assembly, in Hanoi on January 19.

“Just as both countries stood side by side with each other during their struggle for national liberation, so should present-day generations promote solidarity and help each other to develop,” said Mr Triet.

He welcomed Chairman Heng Samrin’s visit which he believed will help to further strengthen the traditional friendship, good neighbourliness and cooperation between the two countries.

He expressed his pleasure at the strong development in bilateral ites and congratulated Cambodia on its important achievements in recent times.

He extended his best regards to King Norodom Sihamoni, former King Ronodom Sihanouk and former Queen Monineath Sihanouk and other Cambodian leaders.

For his part, Chairman Heng Samrin thanked the Vietnamese Party, State and people for providing valuable assistance and heart-felt support to the Cambodian people during their past struggle for national liberation and the current process of national construction and development.

“The Cambodian people will never forget great sacrifices by the Vietnamese volunteer soldiers to help them escape the dark days of the genocidal regime,” said Heng Samrin.

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