Tuesday, 10 February 2009

Cambodian internet provider blocks anti-corruption website

Australia Network News

A leading Cambodian internet provider, AngkorNet, has reportedly blocked public access to the website of the anti-corruption watchdog Global Witness.

The action, reported in the Phnom Penh Post, comes after the British-based agency released a highly critical report on Cambodia's oil and minining industries on January 5.

The newspaper says the Global Witness website can still be accessed online via two other Cambodian internet providers, Online and Citylink.

AngkorNet's block went into place at the weekend, and Cambodia Mirror editor Norbert Klein told the Phnom Penh Post that it must have been imposed deliberately.

"This doesn't happen automatically. Somebody somewhere must have done something," he told the newspaper.

There has been no comment from AngkorNet.

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