Friday, 6 February 2009

Cambodia's oil and mineral wealth sold to corrupt elites

More than 75 companies are working in Cambodia?s extractive sectors, a report by environmental group Global Witness has said, including some internationally known operators such as BHP Billiton.(AFP/File/William West)

A Cambodia miner scrapes silt into a makeshift sieve as he searches for valuable gems. Cambodia's political elite has captured the country's oil and mineral wealth, putting its economic future at risk while international donors turn a blind eye, an environmental watchdog has said.(AFP/Seth Meixner)

A Cambodian girl gives money to a beggar at a tourist resort on the outskirts of Phnom Penh. Cambodia's political elite has captured the country's oil and mineral wealth, putting its economic future at risk while international donors turn a blind eye, an environmental watchdog has said.(AFP/File/Tang Chhin Sothy)

1 comment:

  1. Jack Louis Sporich is my brother. I am disgusted and stressed with what I found out. He is guilty! This is the third time he has molested. He has been in prison twice and released because of a good lawyer. He is sick and should spend the rest of his life in prison. How the US could let him leave and register once a year I don't understand. He is controlling, evil person and has ruined many childrens lives. If you want to contact me I am at 928-204-0825. I just found out about this Friday from a previous victim in CA. I just came home from my grandson's funeral in WI. I am so upset and disappointed in Jack that I am finally going to disown him. He is not from Chicago Il but from Sedona AZ and on his birthday by May 24th he is suppose to register in Prescott...but it is so easy now he can even do it on the internet. I hope God forgives me for sending this comment. June
