Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Court sentences three evicted residents of Dey Krohom for destruction and assault

Phnom Penh (Cambodia).16/02/2009: While the verdict was issued against three Dey Krohom representatives, some 30 residents were organising a sit-in in front of the Municipality.
© John Vink / Magnum

By Ros Dina

On Monday February 16th, the Municipal Court of Phnom Penh issued its verdict in the case of three Dey Krohom residents, who had appeared before the Court on February 11th following a complaint filed against them by the 7NG company and some of its employees for destruction of private property and assault. The three defendants were condemned to suspended prison sentences – 20 months for Khieu Bunthoeun, including four days in prison, which he already served, and 18 months for Chan Vichet and Ms Ly Youleng – and five years of probation.

The three residents have also been sentenced to pay various damages: Chan Vichet and Ms Ly Youleng must pay to 7NG 800,000 riels (200 dollars) for destruction of private property; all three defendants must pay a combined one million riels (250 dollars) to the 7NG guard, who was allegedly injured during the incident that took place on the night of December 3rd 2007, and had to receive 15 stitches (his request was 5,000 dollars); all three must also pay a combined 200,000 riels (50 dollars) to the driver of the excavator damaged by the residents of Dey Krohom (his request was 2,000 dollars).

After the verdict, the lawyers for the residents, Attorney Hom Sunrith – whose clients did not come to court for the verdict on Monday February 16th – explained that he found the ruling “unjust”. “Several witnesses for the defence affirmed that my clients had not committed any act of violence against the 7NG company and that on the contrary, Chan Vichet had tried to appease the angry villagers. As for the Prosecution's witnesses, they did not bring any real evidence proving the guilt of my clients.”

The word “unjust” is also the one used by Chan Vichet to describe the verdict. In a telephone interview, he confided his disappointment. “My house was demolished [during the violent eviction of the last residents of Dey Krohom on January 24th] and in addition, I am not guilty of anything. I haven't done anything and yet, here I am in the position of the accused. Where is the justice? I have nothing left today apart from the clothes I am wearing, because all my possessions were destroyed during the eviction. And yet, in the end, I am the one accused of destruction of private property and forced to pay compensation! This is a justice that serves the rich...”

For now, the three defendants have not yet decided if they will appeal the ruling.

Tomorrow, Tuesday February 17th, Chan Vichet is again summoned by the Municipal Court, this time in the case of a complaint filed against him in 2005 by former Dey Krohom representatives for forgery of document and defamation. Vichet and other residents had then accused the former representatives of illegally signing a contract with 7NG in their own interest and not that of the residents, and without consulting the community.

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