Friday, 27 February 2009

Protests Erupt in Thailand


Thousands of red-shirted protesters carried banners saying "Hijack the Prime Minister" outside Bangkok's Government House, amid tightened security.

The United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship is putting pressure on the current Thai prime minister to sack his foreign minister. Thats because the minister is a key supporter for a group called the Peoples Alliance for Democracy or PAD. The PAD organized months of protest outside the Thai government compound calling for new elections.

United Front for Democracy supporters also want the government to call a snap election.

[Bualuang Tangthong, UDD Supporter]:
"I'm here to ask for justice. I'm not biased and not really on the side of Thaksin. I just want justice. I want the law to not be biased. If anyone does anything wrong, they should be in jail."

The rally is expected to last three days in the lead-up to the ASEAN summit hosted at the seaside resort of Hua Hin.

Thailand postponed the ASEAN summit last December after PAD protesters occupied Government House, shut down the capital's two airports and forced the then-prime minister to resign.

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