Saturday, 21 March 2009

Cambodia approves draft law on non-proliferation of nuclear, chemical weapons

People's Daily Online
March 20, 2009

Cambodia approved on Friday a draft law banning nuclear, chemical, bio-chemical and radio-active weapons in the country.

The draft law was approved at a cabinet meeting chaired by Prime Minister Hun Sen.

"The draft law will help guarantee security, public orders, environment protection and welfare of our people, and also contribute to protecting security and peace in the region and in the whole world," said a statement of the Council of Ministers.

The draft law also completely prohibits production, recycling, receiving, transferring, storing, transportation and use of nuclear, bio-chemical, radioactive and chemical substances, which are essential for manufacturing weapons of their types, the statement said.

The draft law has 13 chapters and 32 articles, it added.

Source: Xinhua

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