Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Danish Professor Warns About Fake Medicine From Thailand, Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia

By Charlotte Lund Dideriksen

Despite efforts from the authorities in Thailand, Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia the production and distribution of fake malaria medicine still a widespread problem in the region, according to Ib Christian Bygbjerg professor in Health Science from University of Copenhagen.

He estimates that around 15 percent of the world’s malaria medicines are unauthorized copies with no proven effect, but in some areas the amounts of ineffectual false medicine rank as high as 50 percent, which have catastrophically consequences in the Malaria-stroked areas. For that reason the professor advises Scandinavian tourist to buy their medicine in their home countries, even though it is more expensive.

“Medication in Denmark is expensive but 30-50 percent of unauthorized Southeast Asian malaria medicine, often bought over the internet, doesn’t work, by using it you put yourself in danger” he states.

In the last years the Southeast Asia has tried to fight the illegal production, but despite the efforts ineffective false malaria medicine is still a massive problem.

Created 2009-03-04

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