Wednesday, 25 March 2009

Komatsu completes community reconstruction project in Cambodia

Construction and Maintenance News

Japan's Komatsu Ltd., the world's second-biggest earth-moving equipment maker, completed the first joint community reconstruction project with Japan Mine Action Service (JMAS), a non-profit organization of Japan, in the village of Reak Smey Sangha, Battambang District, Cambodia. Since August last year, JMAS and Komatsu had worked with the Cambodia Mine Action Centre (CMAC) and accomplished assured and speedy demining by combining conventional manual work and a Komatsu-made D85MS demining machine for anti-personnel landmines. Specific efforts included prompt conversion of demined fields into safe lands, repair of roads, restoration of reservoirs and channels for flood control and domestic use, construction of agricultural ponds, and renovation of a school building. The renovated school was named Komatsu –Reak Smey Sangha Sen Chey Primariy School.

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