Monday, 2 March 2009

The Phnom Penh Post News In Brief

In Brief: ECCC to hold judges plenary this week

Written by Georgia Wilkins
Monday, 02 March 2009

The Khmer Rouge Tribunal will hold its fifth plenary session this week at which judges will discuss proposed amendments to the internal rules of the court, including rules relating to investigations, civil parties, witnesses and evidence. A press release stated that the plenary, which begins Monday and runs until Friday at the capital's Cambodiana Hotel, would also consider administrative and technical matters, and the procedures of the Supreme Court Chamber.

In Brief: Ministry issues bird flu warning

Written by Chhay Channyda
Monday, 02 March 2009

The Ministry of Health and the World Health Organisation released a statement Tuesday warning people of an increased risk of bird flu through December to April. The statement warned against eating or letting children play with sick or dead chickens or ducks. It also urged poultry vendors to be vigilant in handling produce. "If there is a suspicious case, send sick people to the nearest health centre or referral hospital," the statement advised. The ministry hotlines are: 012 488 981 and 012 836 868.

In Brief: King father to remain in china

Written by Sam Rith
Monday, 02 March 2009

King Father Norodom Sihanouk has said he needs to remain in Beijing for further treatment for his illnesses. He said no date had been fixed for his return. In a letter issued Friday, he said Chinese doctors had treated his cancer - lymphoma B - for a month. "Today, I went to hospital to be checked with a PET scan and found the cancer is getting healed," he wrote, praising the "very skilful" doctors. Palace officials said they did not know when King Father Norodom Sihanouk would return to Cambodia, adding that he needed more time for treatment.

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