Monday, 2 March 2009

U.S. helps Cambodia probe foiled bomb plots in Phnom Penh

PHNOM PENH, March 2 (Xinhua) -- The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is working with Cambodia's national police to investigate the foiled bomb plots that occurred in Phnom Penh in January, said national media on Monday.

Police asked the FBI for assistance after it identified potential suspects overseas, English-Khmer language newspaper the Cambodia Daily quoted national police spokesman Kieth Chantharith as saying.

"We have requested assistance from the FBI to do some investigation on suspects abroad," he said, while declining to say in which foreign country police believed the suspect reside.

Calling it a "terrorist case," the spokesman said that it is normal for Cambodia to contact foreign police forces when their home country becomes relevant to the investigation.

Three explosive devices of very limited killing power were found on Jan. 2 near the Ministry of National Defense and the state-run No. 3 Television Station, but detonated by experts later in the day, without causing any casualty and damage.

At least 6 people have been arrested so far in connection with the case. All the suspects belonged to an anti-government organization called the Tiger Head Movement.

Editor: Xiong Tong

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