Thursday, 9 April 2009

Cambodia Honors Cuban Film Institute

Prensa Latina

Phnom Penh, Apr 8 (Prensa Latina) Cuban documentaries and full-length feature films were screened in Cambodia to mark the 50th anniversary of the Cuban Institute of Arts and Cinema Industries (ICAIC).

The screening took place at this capital's Communication Faculty Theater, which welcomed moviegoers, led by Sam-Ang Sam, advisor of the Cambodian Minister of Culture and Fine Arts.

Short films like "La vida del Che," and "La revolucion cubana en imágenes," and the movies "Barrio Cuba" and "El Benny" were chosen to celebrate 49 years of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Havana and Phnom Penh.

Faculty dean Raymond Leos termed excellent the screening of Cuban cinema and expressed gratitude for showing those films to students, professors and people in general.

Orlando Torres, cultural attache of the Cuban embassy in this Indochinese nation, talked of the meaning of the creation of the ICAIC on April 4, 1959.

The diplomat highlighted the role the film institution has played in defense of the Revolution, transformation of people's spiritual life and the conservation of his country's historical memory.

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