Friday, 17 April 2009

Fit for a king

Ennis Daily News

Candie Beck-Adams, Community Editor

Local writer Randy Bigham has received an honor of the royal kind.

A book, written by Helen Candee Church, was re-released and a chapter written by Bigham documenting her life and travels was added. The completed and published work was recently presented to the king of Cambodia, Norodom Sihamoni, by the newly appointed U.S. Ambassador to Cambodia, Carol Rodley. The ceremony was held at the nation’s royal palace in Phnom Penh, Khmer.

During a brief ceremony in the throne room of the palace, Rodley presented three gifts to His majesty, including two American books on Southeast Asian culture and a DVD of native dance footage from the U.S. National Archives. The books, published by Datasia, Inc., were “Earth in Flower” by Dr. Paul Cravath as well as the Candee selection.

Candee’s “Angkor the Magnificent” was published in December 2008, a re-release of the original 1924 study of the legendary "Lost City" of Angkor Wat. The first English language account of the ancient Khmer civilization, its author was a famous early 20th century personality, an eccentric individual who traded the privileged world of Washington, D.C., high society for the adventures of world travel and exploration.

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