Tuesday, 28 April 2009

Gov't, WHO Confirms No Swine Flu Case in Cambodia

Web Editor: Xu Leiying

There have been no reports of swine influenza cases, both pig and human, so far in Cambodia, said an official statement received in Phnom Penh on Tuesday.

"As suggested by the World Health Organization (WHO), the ( Cambodian) Ministry of Health (MoH) has issued temporary advice to enhance surveillance," said the joint statement from MoH and WHO.

"Medical clinics are asked to immediately report any unusual influenza like illness cases to MoH. WHO Western Pacific Regional Office is closely monitoring the situation in the region and has activated its outbreak and emergency management protocols," it said.

In addition, "Cambodia has increased its surveillance for unusual respiratory illness in hospitals, health centers and airport," it said.

"While there is no vaccine against this type of influenza, there are a range of possible treatments although it is not yet clear which will be most appropriate," it said.

"Cambodia has prepared stockpiles of various resources, including medication to treat viral illness, and has access to additional regional supplies if required," it added.

Meanwhile, according to Sok Touch, director of the Anti- communicable Disease Department of MoH, scanners will be equipped on Tuesday at the Phnom Penh and the Siem Reap international airports to check travelers' body temperature against possible entry of swine flu.

MoH will use the existing equipment and system for combating bird flu to monitor pig flu, he said.

The ministry will cooperate with the World Health Organization to take actions on the pig-farming industry if necessary, but the very next step will focus on travelers from the infected areas, he added.

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