Thursday, 2 April 2009

The Phnom Penh Post News In Briefs

In Brief: More Demolitions on hanoi road

Written by Chhay Channyda
Thursday, 02 April 2009

Police were deployed in Phnom Penh Thmey commune Wednesday as construction workers again started bulldozing houses and fences to make way for the widening of a 4-kilometre stretch of the Cambodia-Vietnam Friendship Highway - also known as Hanoi Road. Among the two affected communes, 22 of 90 homeowners have agreed with City Hall's offer to accept a 32-square-metre plot of land in Dangkor district, but several residents have not yet agreed to the policy and are demanding additional compensation.

In Brief: Heng Samrin off to Addis Ababa talks

Written by Vong Sokheng
Thursday, 02 April 2009

National Assembly President Heng Samrin is to leave for the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa on Friday to take part in the 120th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), a world body of parliaments. According to a press release issued by the Assembly April 1, the IPU summit will discuss the role of parliaments on the issues of climate change, energy, freedom of expression, the right of access to information and nuclear nonproliferation. Heng Samrin will be in Ethiopia until April 12.

In Brief: Enforce helment law: Prime Minister

Written by Mom Kunthear
Thursday, 02 April 2009

Prime Minister Hun Sen on Tuesday requested that traffic police continue the enforcement of a new law requiring motorbike drivers to wear protective helmets. "When I take the car, I see many motorbike drivers not wearing helmets, so please continue educating people about wearing helmets in order to protect their lives," he said during the inauguration of the Hun Sen Quay in Preah Sihanouk province. In 2008, 149 motorbike drivers and 79 passengers died on Cambodia's roads while not wearing helmets, according to Handicap International Belgium.

In Brief: Rio Tinto sells blocks

Written by STEVE FINCH
Thursday, 02 April 2009

AUSTRALIAN mining company Rio Tinto told Dow Jones on Wednesday it had completed the sale of oil and gas concessions on the B7, B8 and B9 blocks overlapping Cambodian and Thai areas. An unnamed official of the company added that a royalty interest, Block 9A, had also been sold, without giving further details. A person close to the deal said the concessions were sold to BG Group which, through BG Asia, owns 50 percent in B7, B8 and B9. Chevron owns 33.33 percent.

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