Friday, 3 April 2009

The Phnom Penh Post News In Briefs

In Brief: Govt targets TB

Written by Khuon Leakhana
Friday, 03 April 2009

The Health Ministry pledged to cure more than 85 percent of tuberculosis cases in Cambodia as part of its 2008-15 plan to eradicate the deadly disease. Speaking Tuesday at an event dedicated to tuberculosis prevention, Eng Huort, a secretary of state for the ministry, said: "We're very concerned that tuberculosis kills so many in Cambodia even though it's a curable disease."

In Brief: Siem reap schools go smoke-free

Written by May Titthara
Friday, 03 April 2009

Eight Siem Reap schools have been declared non-smoking zones by their teachers, according to the province's deputy chief of the Education, Youth and Sport Department, Nam Thong Sy. "We did not force them to stop. Teachers there volunteered because they want the school to have a fresh environment," he said.

In Brief: UN visits P Vihear

Written by Vong Sokheng
Friday, 03 April 2009

A high-level UNESCO delegation paid a visit to Preah Vihear temple Wednesday, its second since the Angkor-era temple was listed as a World Heritage site last July. Council of Ministers spokesman Phay Siphan said the delegation of seven technical experts would spend four days evaluating the area around the temple and the costs of conserving it. Cambodia has been preparing other temples - including Sambo Preykub and Banteay Chhmar - for nomination as UNESCO sites. So far, just two of its 3,000 temples have been listed as World Heritage sites. Angkor Wat was listed in 1992.

In Brief: 747 rerouted to capital

Written by George McLeod
Friday, 03 April 2009

A Boeing 747-400 made an emergency landing at Phnom Penh International Airport airport on Tuesday, showing the airport's enhanced capacity to handle large aircraft and to respond to emergencies, said the airport authority in a statement. The cargo aircraft was operated by Cargolux Airline and was travelling from Syria to Ho Chi Minh City when it was rerouted to Phnom Penh due to congestion at the Vietnamese airport. The statement added that it is building new runways to accommodate 747s on a regular basis.

In Brief: Govt salary boost

Written by Nguon Sovan
Friday, 03 April 2009

Salary expenses for civil servants and the armed forces increased 58.4 percent since late last year, said the Finance Ministry. "Salary expenses increased to US$30.9 million per month in the first quarter ... from $19.5 million per month at the end of last year," Minister Keat Chhon told the National Assembly on Wednesday. He added that higher tax revenues have allowed the government to increase total spending on salaries by 20 percent per year. Pich Bunthin, secretary of state for the State Secretariat of Public Functions, said Thursday that Cambodia has 170,000 public servants excluding soldiers and police. Government salaries average $35 per month in the Kingdom.

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