Wednesday, 8 April 2009

Singer's case delayed

The Phnom Penh Post

Written by Kyle Sherer
Wednesday, 08 April 2009

Siem Reap

SIEM Reap's deputy prosecutor said charges have not yet been filed in the case of a shooting incident involving popular singer Tit Vichka at a Siem Reap nightclub last October.

Toch Sopheakdey said police were still investigating whether his action in firing into the air amounted to the unauthorised use of a firearm.

The singer has a permit to carry a gun, and police are determining whether firing it was warranted. The incident took place at the Zone One nightclub after Tit Vichka's car collided with another car in the club's car park. The singer then argued with a security guard before firing off a volley of shots.

When Tit Vichka appeared in court on January 21 to give a statement, he claimed he fired into the air out of self-defence after a group of young men surrounded him.

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