Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Thai premier cancels visit to Cambodia


PHNOM PENH, April 13 (AP) - (Kyodo)—Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva canceled a visit to Cambodia set for Saturday, a Cambodian government official said Monday.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Koy Kuong told Kyodo News the cancellation notice came via a diplomatic letter.

He said Thailand expressed regret at the cancellation but gave no specific reason for the change.

But Koy Kuong said there was little no doubt that internal problems in Thailand, where antigovernment protesters forced postponement of Asian summit meetings last weekend and are disrupting daily life in Bangkok, were a factor in Abhisit's decision.

He had been scheduled to make a one-day official visit to Cambodia on Saturday to strengthen bilateral relations and discuss border issues that have flared into violence several times over the past nine months.

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