Thursday, 16 April 2009

Two teens need help to spread the word of God

Fred Pace
Register-Herald Reporter

April 15, 2009

Scared and proud. Those are the two words Donna Cottle used when talking about her teenage son’s upcoming missionary trip to Cambodia.

“As a parent, I’m scared he is going so far away, but I am also very proud of him at the same time,” she said.

Teenagers Austin Cottle and Brandon Accord attend Mossy Living Word Church.

“We, along with our pastor, Rev. Paul Basham, are planning a missionary trip to Cambodia,” Austin Cottle said. “While there, we will be helping construct a church to teach the people of Cambodia about the word of God.”

However, the two ambitious teens and their pastor need help to make the trip.

“We are doing several fundraisers to help earn the money needed to cover our expenses,” Austin Cottle said.

They are also taking donations.

“We are hoping and praying that even in difficult economic times the generosity of the public will shine through and they will open their hearts to make a donation in any amount, no matter how small, to help us make this dream a reality. We want to share the word of God’s love.”

Donna Cottle says Accord and her son are unique teenagers.

“They are very active in the church,” she said. “Austin is not forced to go to church or on this missionary trip; it’s something he wants to do. You don’t see very many teenagers like these two in today’s world.”

Donna Cottle says pastor and the two teenagers leave on Monday.

“Any donations received after that would be placed in missionary fund at the church,” she said.

Donations can be mailed to Austin Cottle, c/o Donna Cottle, Route 1, Box 180, Oak Hill, WV 25901.

For additional information, call 304-469-9659.

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