Sunday, 12 April 2009

Vietnamese, Cambodian youths exchange views


VietNamNet Bridge – About 100 representatives of the Youth Union and the Education and Training Department in Dak Nong Central Highland province and a youth and sports delegation from Cambodia’s Mondulkiri province participated in activities to exchange experiences on youth movement in Gia Nghia Commune, Dak Nong Province from Apr. 9-11.

The two neighbouring provinces of Dak Nong and Mondilkiri share a 130 km long border. People of ethnic minority groups in the two provinces have close economic, cultural and social relations and regularly hold joint activities to promote their unity, friendship and cooperation.

In the integration and globalisation process, the young people from the two provinces are required to raise local people’s awareness about the law and border regulations as well as the demarcation and landmark planting between the two countries.

The two delegations affirmed the youth’s key role in preventing crimes, social evils and abolishing backward customs to ensure peace for the people.

The young people pledged to actively take part in social activities, contributing to poverty reduction, assistance to underprivileged people, overcoming aftermath of natural calamities and environmental protection.

Youth from the two provinces also held cultural exchange and friendship sports events to strengthen friendship.


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