Tuesday, 26 May 2009

Bangladeshi Envoy Calls On His Cambodian Counterpart

By Ben Ng

Bandar Seri Begawan - The Bangladeshi High Commissioner to Brunei Darussalam made a courtesy call on the Cambodian High Commissioner to Brunei yesterday to reinforce their common bilateral ties.

Recently appointed as the new Bangladeshi High Commissioner, Mr. M Shameen visited the temporary, Cambodian High Commission in Beribi yesterday morning, as part of a courtesy call on Mr. Nan Sy, the Ambassador of Cambodia, who has been serving in the Sultanate for three years.
"In the diplomatic community, it is our common courtesy and custom to meet all our colleagues who have been here before us," Mr. Shameen explained to reporters.

"And His Excellency Nan Sy has been in Brunei for the last three years so I wanted to visit him."

Both envoys exchanged information about their

respective countries and Brunei in general. -- Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin

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