Friday, 15 May 2009

Cambodia investigates UN Khnmer Rouge tribunal staff

Australia Network News

Robert Carmichael

The Cambodia government has announced it's investigating foreign court staff at the Khmer Rouge tribunal for corruption.

It comes after a long-running dispute with the United Nations over corruption allegations on the Cambodian side of the court.

The Cambodian government and the United Nations have had a difficult relationship in setting up and running the Khmer Rouge tribunal.

The relationship between the two partners worsened this week after a government spokesman said Phnom Penh had collated files on all foreign United Nations staff and was monitoring them for corruption.

It has caused an outcry with one foreign lawyer describing the move as "childish and thuggish".

The government back-pedalled a little on Thursday, saying it wasn't actually monitoring foreign staffers, just investigating claims that some had committed unnamed "misdeeds".

The United Nations has said those claims should be handed over to it for investigation.

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