Friday, 8 May 2009

Cambodia to mark World Red Cross day

Thursday, May 7th, 2009

PHNOM PENH: The Cambodian Red Cross (CRC) will carry out a series of programmes to mark the 146th anniversary of the establishment of the World Red Cross (WRC), which falls tomorrow, national media reported yesterday.

These programmes, with the theme “For Our World”, aim to motivate people to participate in humanitarian work, help prevent and alleviate disasters, enhance public managerial capability and provide aid for accident victims, CRC officials told a Press conference on Tuesday.

In the coming days, CRC will also commemorate the 54th anniversary of its own establishment and accession to WRC, the official said.

A grand ceremony will be held tomorrow at the CRC headquarters in Phnom Penh, which Prime Minister Hun Sen himself will attend to highlight the organisation’s merit, they added. CRC undertakes various tasks for humanitarian salvation, such as containing H1N1, poverty reduction and natural disaster alleviation. — Xinhua

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