Sunday, 24 May 2009

Cambodia's Three Passengers Traveling with A/H1N1 Virus Patient Tested Negative

Web Editor: LiuDonghui

The three passengers who arrived in Phnom Penh on the same flight with a woman who was later confirmed to have A/H1N1, were tested negative, a health official said on Sunday.

Their samples sent to the Pasteur Institute in Phnom Penh for A/ H1N1 virus test turned out to be negative, according to the test results got later Saturday, Sok Touch, director of the epidemic disease department at the Ministry of Health, told the reporter by phone.

The three, all Cambodian-Americans, arrived in Phnom Penh from the United States via South Korea on May 17. A Vietnamese woman traveling with them on the same flight felt unwell and was hospitalized at the Incheon, South Korea, and later she was confirmed of the disease.

The Cambodian health authorities made efforts to seek for the three, and one of the old man was found in Battambang province while the two others, a father and his daughter, in Kampot province. The three passengers did not display influenza symptoms at the time of their arrival in Cambodia.

Sok Touch said Saturday that the Health Ministry has not taken isolation measures to them, but asked them to have a self- isolation, and not to visit relatives, neither to go to public places in the next seven days. Cambodia has no confirmed cases of Influenza A/H1N1 virus so far, according to Sok Touch.

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