Wednesday, 6 May 2009

Four dead in B'bang karaoke club fire

The Phnom Penh Post

Written by Thet Sambath
Wednesday, 06 May 2009

THE FAMILIES of four females killed Sunday in a fire at a Battambang karaoke club are considering filing complaints in provincial court to receive compensation from the club's owner, the Battambang district police chief told the Post Tuesday.

Police said the four females had been locked inside the club at the time the fire broke out.

Thuch Ra said the families will seek compensation from the club owner.

"They will accuse him of carelessness and for being responsible for the deaths of their relatives," he said.

The four females, who worked at the club, were locked in the room where the fire started, police said. They died at 2:40am on Sunday. Thuch Ra said police believed the fire was caused by a "faulty electric wire".

He identified the victims as: Hou Leak, 15; Srey Mao, 19; Srey Touch, 17; and Sambath, 22. All were from Kampong Chhnang province except for Sambath, who was from Battambang.

Thuch Ra said the families had not yet filed their complaints because "they are too busy preparing for the funeral".

The fire severely injured another female employee of the club as well as the son of the club owner, Buth Teu. Five houses located near the club were completely destroyed by the fire, while three other houses sustained damage.

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