Monday, 11 May 2009

Hopes sink for Pailin biz park

The Phnom Penh Post

Written by Soeun Say
Monday, 11 May 2009

PAILIN officials say they doubt investors from Thailand will lead an economic revival at the dusty Thai border town, as they struggle to attract interest in an investment zone.

"I haven't heard any information about Thai investors," Keut Sothea, deputy governor of Pailin province, said last week.

"I don't have much hope that, with the world's economy as it is, they will come to invest here," he added, also citing ongoing tension between the two countries over Preah Vihear temple.

The 2,000-hectare business zone is being carved out of jungle 15 kilometres from the border at Steung Kach commune.

Officials had expected it to create jobs for former Khmer Rouge soldiers, according to a signboard in mid-May.

Ich Sarou, a parliamentarian for Pailin province, said he did not believe firms were eager to set up businesses in the zone.

"I don't have much hope that Thai investors will open companies and factories here," said Ich Sarou. "We have a lot of land here, and we are waiting for investors to come."

He said a group of more than 50 Thai businessmen visited the area promising to build 100 factories, but had now "disappeared".

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