Wednesday, 20 May 2009

Isle of Man: Cains Sponsors Cambodian School’s Football Team

Mondaq News Alerts
19 May 2009

Cains are sponsoring a school football team in the Cambodian capital of Phnom Penh. Aziza Schoolhouse serves a slum community and provides a range of lessons and activities to over 100 children. The children who attend the school come from one of the most disadvantaged communities in one of the poorest countries in the world.

Mike Edwards, a director Cains and head of its Singapore office, said: “Cains has sponsored a number of sporting clubs in the Isle of Man and, as a beneficiary of globalisation, we are delighted to be able to help with such a worthwhile project overseas. The firm has been involved for some time in a number of initiatives aimed at assisting the developing world, including our work at the International Trade Centre (a joint UN/WTO body) helping with trade-related issues. No-one should underestimate the hardships that the children who attend Aziza endure and, apart from the other benefits, having the opportunity to get involved in sport will provide them with a source of enjoyment.”

The sponsorship, which was arranged through the charity ISF (Indochina Starfish Foundation), will give the children at Aziza the opportunity to participate in organised sport for the first time and have fun. Cains involvement will mean that FIFA accredited coaches will take training sessions at the school and allow for the purchase of equipment and kit. ISF’s experience is that the sports activities which they arrange in Cambodia compliment the educational programme which they run and help the children to improve their fitness and develop life-skills.

Kate Griffin, ISF’s country manager for Cambodia, commented: We welcome Cains’ decision to sponsor the team from Aziza and appreciate their commitment. The children have already started training and it is a real pleasure to see the smiles on their faces as they work with the coaches.”

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