Friday, 22 May 2009

Koh Kong to get new zoning regulations

Written by Christopher Shay and Khouth Sophak Chakrya
Friday, 22 May 2009

KOH Kong Governor Youth Phouthoong released a comprehensive zoning and regulation plan for the Cardamom Biodiversity Corridor last week and is to explain the plan to district, commune and village authorities in workshops later this month, Lim Savann, the deputy chief of the governor's office, said Thursday.

The zoning plan aims to clarify and summarise all the development projects in the area while providing clear guidelines as to what is allowed in each zone, an adviser to Youth Phouthoong said.

The plan outlines nine different zones, from an urban and industrial zone to a zone reserved for reforestation, with each zone having different regulations.

Son Dara, deputy governor of Koh Kong, said that the zoning regulations would preserve Koh Kong's forests, which would help ensure that Koh Kong attract more tourists.

"We developed these zones to help make Koh Kong Cambodia's second-most popular tourism site behind Angkor Wat," he said, adding that "development and preservation can go together".

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