Wednesday, 6 May 2009

New Anco water plant goes online

The Phnom Penh Post

Written by Chun Sophal
Wednesday, 06 May 2009

The president of Anco Brothers said Sunday that a new water-treatment plant at Kbal Chay in Preah Sihanouk began supplying water to the Sihanoukville Water Supply Authority (SWSA) last month.

Phu Kok An, who is also a senator for the Cambodian People's Party, said the 4,000 to 5,000 cubic metres of water provided each day was being sold at a price of 1,000 riels (US$0.24) per cubic metre to the SWSA.

He said the plant would eventually be able to supply 50,000 cubic metres of water per day and would "ensure a sustainable supply of water in this town for 30 years".

Anco Brothers announced last year that construction of the plant would cost US$4 million, but Phu Kok An said the cost had risen to $5 million, in part, he said, because the company decided to increase the volume of water it would be able to supply.

"I know water demand in this area will increase, so I was determined to expand the treatment plant to be as big as possible to respond to future needs ... when this town becomes industrial, and an oil-producing area," Phu Kok An said.

With the water from the Anco Brothers plant, SWSA will be able to serve 4,000 families, said SWSA Director Tim Sitha.

The province has an estimated 140,000 families. Authorities hope to supply clean water to 80 percent of the province's families by the year 2015.

Tim Sitha said that the water was being supplied to families at a cost of 1,500 riels to 2,000 riels per cubic metre.

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