Thursday, 7 May 2009

The Phnom Penh Post News In Briefs

In Brief: Sun looks to Cambodia

Written by Hor Hab
Thursday, 07 May 2009

SUN Microsystems, a global leader in information technology services, hosted its first seminar in Phnom Penh at NagaWorld Tuesday as part of its plan to move into Cambodia’s telecoms industry. “I believe emerging markets like Cambodia’s will face more complex management issues in the future as technology keep growing,” said Joseph Ningrat Yap, technology manager of Sun Microsystems in Asia. Sun does not have an official office in Cambodia, meaning its products will be sold through local partners.

In Brief: Hor Namhong back and in good health

Written by Cheang Sokha
Thursday, 07 May 2009

Foreign Minister Hor Namhong is expected back in Cambodia today after visiting France and the US. Ministry spokesman Koy Kuong said Hor Namhong was in good health and would return as scheduled. Hor Namhong was admitted to hospital in the US after feeling dizzy at the opening of a new consulate.

In Brief: Eviction residents petition French

Written by May Titthara
Thursday, 07 May 2009

Members of four families from the area at the Lycee Francais Rene Descartes on Wednesday petitioned the French embassy for compensation in their eviction battle. Resident Kem Vichet said City Hall's compensation was insufficient, which is why they had approached the ambassador. Kem Vichet said the municipality had refused to negotiate further. "The government always succeeds in evicting people. So now I must decide whether to live as a human or an animal because there are many people in my family, and I can't buy a house with the small sum on offer." The government has offered up to US$10,000 per family plus a small plot of land outside Phnom Penh.

In Brief: Defamation suit lawyers in court

Written by Meas Sokhea
Thursday, 07 May 2009

Mu Sochua's lawyer is to be in court today in relation to the opposition MP's defamation case against Prime Minister Hun Sen. Her lawyer, Kong Sam Onn, was summoned by the prosecutor to clarify her case. She is suing the PM over remarks made in a speech last month that she says were defamatory and directed at her, although her name was not used. Hun Sen is countersuing Mu Sochua for defamation, saying he had not referred to her. Hun Sen's lawyer, Ky Tech, told the Post he would also be in court today to explain his client's case.

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