Monday, 4 May 2009

Princess Eugenie is on a gap-year trip

UK, Monday May 04, 2009

Princess Eugenie and her friends were targeted by muggers in Cambodia, it has been reported.

A bandit grabbed a purse belonging to a friend of the younger daughter of the Duke of York during a night out in Phnom Penh, The Sun said.

Royal protection officers tackled the robber, only to have rocks thrown at them by another bandit, the paper added.

Eugenie, 19, and her friends were then whisked away to safety by the police.

Princess Eugenie, her mother the Duchess of York and her sister Beatrice

A Buckingham Palace source told the paper: "(Police) feared the incident was escalating out of control and took the decision to focus on the safety of their principal."

It is the first time in a decade that SO14 Special Branch officers have stopped a direct threat to a royal.

The princess - who is sixth in line to the throne - is on a gap-year trip which has already included visits to Thailand and South Africa.

There has been criticism of the cost of police protection for Eugenie during the trip, said to be in the region of £100,000.

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