Saturday, 20 June 2009

Cambodia Marks Veteran Day

PHNOM PENH, June 20 (Bernama) -- Cambodia on Saturday marked the second Veteran Day and the establishment of the Cambodian Veteran Association to memorize those who have sacrificed their lives to defend the sovereignty of country, reports Xinhua news agency.

"The veterans are our hero. They have devoted their life and their fresh blood to protect the sovereignty of the country in the past and present," Prime Minister Hun Sen said.

He made these remarks at the opening ceremony of the second anniversary of Veteran Day at Chak Tu Mok theater hall in Phnom Penh, according to Xinhua.

The premier who also lost one eye in the civil war in 1970s while he was a soldier is the President of the Cambodian Veteran Association which was set up on 2007.

The government has always encouraged veterans to participate the national obligation, social work, and restoration of peace and stability of the country and thanked them for implementing their duties in the protection of sovereignty, he said, adding that Cambodia also thanked brave soldiers who are standing at the border to protect borderline.

"We all are very proud that our veterans has been joining the de-mining at the foreign countries," he said.

He added that the government has been subsidizing over 87,875 families of veterans including 28,346 families of disabled people and 7,072 families who lost capacity to work.

Highlighting the contribution he himself has done to the veterans, the premier called on the whole society to participate in helping the veterans and their families.

Moreover, the premier said that the Ministry of Social Affairs and Youth Rehabilitation is creating regime of social security and national cashier for veterans.


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