Tuesday, 16 June 2009

Former Refugee Returns Home To Hero's Welcom


Leticia Juarez KIAH

Virah Inson is back on American soil the after serving two tours of duty in Iraq with the U.S. Army. The former refugee came to this country looking for a better life after escaping the killing fields of Cambodia in 1980. He came to the U.S. with only his sister and brothers, their parents had been executed.

"We had an experience back in our country, we went through the civil war there in 1975," said his brother Vichet Inson.

Both brothers wanted to served their adopted country so they enlisted in the military.

"America has given so much to our family and to our country and this is one way we wanted to give back," said Inson. He served with the Marines in the first Persian Gulf War.

The brothers embraced each other surrounded by family and friends who gathered at Bush Intercontinental. But there was one person the returning soldier was hoping to get to know – his daughter.

"Spend some time with my family especially with my daughter because as you can see she has not recognized me at all," said Virach Inson.

His wife, Kakada Inson greeted her husband with hugs, kisses, and flowers, while friends waved American flags.

Now that he is back home his wife said she doesn't have to check her email to see if he is okay.

The couple will spend a few days in Houston with family before heading to Hawaii. Inson will finish his service with the U.S. Army on the island.

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