Monday, 29 June 2009

Location, transport to benefit Cambodia

Written by ROS DINA
Monday, 29 June 2009

A CONFERENCE to help develop logistics in the Kingdom heard that Cambodia ought to benefit in the future from its location.

The conference, hosted by the Japan External Trade Organisation (JETRO) and Cambodia Freight Forwarding Association (CAMFFA), also heard that infrastructure improvements had already benefitted the country.

Yasuo Hayashi, chairman and CEO of JETRO, told attendees that Japan was keen to expand its logistics and transportation relationships with Cambodia.

"Cambodia has not yet entered the regional transportation system, but it is at the centre of Indochina, so I believe that it will be most useful if Cambodia is accepted into the system," he said. "It will help to develop Cambodia."

His remarks were echoed by Japan's ambassador, Katsuhiro Shinohara, who praised the development of the seaport in Sihanoukville.

Teuk Reth Kamrong, Ministry of Commerce undersecretary of state, said she sought rapid infrastructure development to boost the economy and trade.

And Sin Chanthy, CAMFFA's secretary general, said having Japan as a partner was useful.

"Even though our infrastructure is not as good as others, our seaports, airports and roads have been developed," he said. "The next step is to appeal to investors to come here."

However, Hironobu Kurata, secretary general of the Japanese Business Association in Cambodia and president of Kurata Pepper, said transport remains complicated and slow for now.

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