Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Pastors given sendoff for Cambodia mission

Community members at Salem Friends Church bid farewell to Brianna and Nathan Martin, center, who plan to leave in August as missionaries to Cambodia.
Mt. Pleasant News

by Erik Owomoyela
Monday, June 22, 2009

SALEM – Congregants at Salem Friends Church bid an emotional farewell to Nathan and Brianna Martin at the two pastors’ commissioning ceremony Saturday evening. The couple, who spent the last three years at the Salem church, hope to leave in August to serve as missionaries in Cambodia.

“To make a long story short, we have been feeling called to missions since high school,” Nathan Martin said. “We wanted to go someplace where there was a real need.”

Both were praised by several in attendance for the work they did at the church, and the profound impact they had made in people’s lives.

Although they won’t be leaving right away, as Brianna Martin told the well-wishers, they have been keeping busy.

“Every Sunday, we’ve been at another church,” she said. “We’ve been really blessed as we go to churches. We feel like our family is growing, and we feel we’re meeting so many wonderful people, and it’s really been a privilege to do that.”

They have raised about 80 percent of the support they need, she said; their next deadline is in August, when they will leave.

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