Friday, 3 July 2009

Art competition puts Cambodian students amid global art scene

The Phnom Penh Post
Thursday, 02 July 2009 22:01

University art competition gives a chance for three Cambodian high school students to have their artworks exhibited in Japan.

The Cambodia University is preparing to hold its art competition on July 5 for painting and sculpture.

The event will be called the Painting and Sculpture Festival, said Por Malis, deputy director of operation of the Cambodia University.

"We are open for high school students in grades 11 and 12 who want to participate in our program," she said.

We want to encourage the students who have genius for art...

Por Malis said entrants could send their paintings or sculptures to her school, where judges would begin the selection process of three winners
to be announced on July 5.

"On the competition day, we have to ask them to paint or sculpt it again to the same as the painting and sculptures that they sent because we want to make sure that they are the owners of the painting," she said.

All competitors have to paint or sculpt works that have meanings related to human charity, peace and development, international relations, a new idea for the world or protection of our culture.

"They have to do it by their hands," she said. The paintings must be 100cm-by-100cm, and sculptures have to be 150cm-by-80cm, she said.

"We want to encourage the students who have genius for art or paintings, and we want Cambodian students to be known internationally.

"We will select the top three of the winners, and we will give them an award for the competition in Cambodia, and then we will send 10 paintings and sculptures to Japan, where three will be selected for exhibition in Japan," she said.

For the first prize winner will receive 200,000 riels (approximately US$500), a winner's certificate and an airline ticket to visit Japan.

The second-prize winner gets 160,000 riels ($400) with a winner's certificate, and the third-prize winner gets 120,000 riels ($300) and a winner's certificate.

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