Thursday, 23 July 2009

ASEAN Regional Forum in Phuket July 23, 2009

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (C) arrives for a group photo with foreign ministers and representatives from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) during the ASEAN Regional Forum in Phuket July 23, 2009. Front row from left: China's Yang Jiechi, Cambodia's Hor Namhong, Brunei's Prince Mohamed Bolkiah and Bangladesh's Dipu Moni. Back row from left: European Union's foreign policy chief Javier Solana, India's Somanahalli Mallaiah Krishna, Indonesia's Hassan Wirajuda, Japan's Hirofumi Nakasone, and Laos' Thongloun Sisoulith.REUTERS/Sukree Sukplang

Foreign ministers and representatives from Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) talk before they pose during the ASEAN Regional Forum in Phuket July 23, 2009. Front row from left: Canada's Deepak Obhrai, China's Yang Jiechi, Cambodia's Hor Namhong and Brunei's Prince Mohamed Bolkiah. Back row from left: Mongolia's Sukhbaatar and European Union High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy Javier Solano.REUTERS/Sukree Sukplang

Foreign ministers and representatives from Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) pose during ASEAN Regional Forum in Phuket July 23, 2009. Front row from left: North Korea's chief delegate Pak Kun-gwang, Canada's Deepak Obhrai, China's Yang Jiechi, Cambodia's Hor Namhong, Brunei's Prince Mohamed Bolkiah, Bangladesh's Dipu Moni, Australia's Stephen Smith, Thailand's Kasit Piromya, Vietnam's Pham Gia Khiem, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, East Timor's Deputy Prime Minister Jose Luis Guterres, Sri Lanka's Rohitha Bogollagama, Singapore's George Yeo, Russia's Sergei Lavrov and ASEAN Secretary-General Surin Pitsuwan. Back row from left: Mongolia's Sukhbaatar, European Union High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy Javier Solano, India's Somanahalli Mallaiah Krishna, Indonesia's Hassan Wirajuda, Japan's Hirofumi Nakasone, Laos' Thongloun Sisoulith, Malaysia's Anifah Aman, Myanmar's Nyan Win, New Zealand's Murray McCully, Pakistan's Makhdoom Ahah Mahmood Qureshi, Philippines' Roberto Romulo, South Korea's Yu Myung-hwan and Papua New Guinea's Samuel Abal.REUTERS/Sukree Sukplang

In this photo taken Wednesday, July 22, 2009 released by Thai Foreign Ministry, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton shares a toast with ASEAN Foreign Ministers, Prince Mohamed Bolkiah of Brunei, left, Hor Namhong of Cambodia, second right, and Hassan Wirajuda of Indonesia, right, during a dinner reception at the ASEAN Regional Forum at a hotel in Phuket, southern Thailand.
(AP Photo/Thai Foreign Ministry)


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    It gets worse. The mean car has 1.6 people in it, so 15,000 miles of driving is really 24,000 voyager miles. The subsidies required to aid 24,000 voyager miles of transport usage amount to nearly $16,000 per year. That means APTA’s imagined household is getting as much as $16,000 in subsidies but nest egg only a scrap more than $5,000, for a rete venereal loss of more than $10,000 per year.

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