Wednesday, 1 July 2009

Campu building begins to shape up

Written by Soeun Say
Wednesday, 01 July 2009

The $25 million Campu Bank Tower is expected to be completed by September for a December opening, country head of Cambodian Public Bank Phan Ying Tong told the Post Tuesday.

The planned 12.5-storey building is now 85 percent complete, he said.

"One hundred percent of the capital investment came from Public Bank of Malaysia," said Phan Ying Tong.

Construction started late 2007 on about 2,000 square metres of land in Daun Penh district.

Phan Ying Tong said that although Cambodia's property market is still struggling, he is looking for improvement.

"Now, Cambodia's property is bad, and I hope that it will get better in about six months," he said.

The building project for the Cambodian Public Bank was not affected by world's financial crisis because it was being built with bank funds, Phan Ying Tong said.

The new office will include a training centre, IT department, credit card centre and Campu Bank Lampac Insurance.

The building is being developed by Venture Cambodia Private Ltd and designed by the Malaysian architectural firm NW KA Architect. Two-and -a-half floors of the building will house a basement car lot with room for more than 100 cars.

Im Chamrong, director general of the construction department at the Ministry of Land Management, said it was good for Cambodia to have buildings of such high quality and design.

"I think that it is good for our country to have many public place building services. I think it can strengthen and attract investors to come and invest in our country," said Im Chamrong.

He said the ministry had inspected the construction site and found it going smoothly, and that he expected it to finish.

"The construction of the building is looking good in its design and quality, and they are following the rules the ministry permit requires," Im Chamrong said.

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