Sunday, 5 July 2009

The Ministry of Education Reduces Some Unnecessary Subjects – Saturday, 13.6.2009

Posted on 4 July 2009
The Mirror, Vol. 13, No. 619

“Phnom Penh: Education officials said that starting with the coming academic year 2009-2010, the Ministry will introduce the possibility to chose subjects oriented towards different directions for Grade 11 and Grade 12 students.

“The head of the Department for Higher Education, Mr. Chreng Limsry, said, ‘This new program will allow Grade 11 and Grade 12 students to chose subjects that they are good at.’ He added, ‘This new program will reduce some unnecessary subjects that are not so important for the students in their future life.

“This program is divided into two types: The first one has a basic level of mathematics, in which the students are required to study mathematics four hours, then Khmer literature six ours, English or French four hours, and sports two hours per week, and they have to choose four more subjects, choosing among thirteen subjects in total.

“He went on to say that the second type has a higher level of mathematics, which requires the students to study mathematics eight hours, Khmer literature six hours, English or French two hours, and sports two hours, and in addition three more subjects.

“He added that because this program is new, the Ministry of Education requires every high school to apply, based on their possibilities, as some schools lack teachers, classrooms, and other basic materials. He said, ‘We do it following the possibilities, we have to do it step by step.’

“The head of the Department for Educational Program Development of the Ministry of Education, Mr. Eng Kimly, said that this curriculum is a mixture of regional and European educational programs, abandoning the Francophone or Anglo-Saxon systems. The Ministry of Education worked on this curriculum since 2006, but it can be introduced only as the curriculum of the new year, after it has been further developed continually.

“Mr. Eng Kimly said that the program provides three benefits: First, it does not waste students’ money to buy many books; Second, it excludes unnecessary subjects as they are not beneficial for future use; and Third, it more clearly directs students towards job profiles or careers in the future.

“Asked whether his school is prepared for this new program, the Bak Tuk High School director, Mr. Sok Sovanna, said that as the Ministry of Education allows each school to apply this program according to their capability, his school will not allow students to choose all subjects as they want, as there are not enough teachers, classrooms, and basic materials.

“He added that when students choose one of the two types, the school suggests that they discuss it with their parents, and then the school will explain to which extent the school is able support it.

“He added, ‘We ask the students whether they can handle it or not, if they choose the basic, or the high level of mathematics, and we ask them what skill they will choose for their higher education. The school can direct students better than their parents, because it knows which subjects the students are good at.’

“The acting director of the Preah Reach Samphear High School in Kampot, Mr. Kong Sophat, welcomes this new program, but the challenge for his school is to have the necessary teachers, as his school lacks about 50 teachers. Also, his school has not enough classrooms.

“The Ang Sophy High School director in the Kompong Tralach district in Kampot, Mr. Heng Seng, said, ‘The students of my school are satisfied with this new program.’ However, he said that his school lacks teachers and books for Khmer literature, mathematics, and English.

“The president of the Cambodian Independent Teachers’ Association, Mr. Rong Chhun, said that other countries can implement this program well, but in Cambodia, the quality of education is very poor, so this reform can not proceed smoothly, and the Ministry of Education should first find ways to improve the quality of education.

“He added, ‘This program should not be implemented, because there is not yet a situation that allows active participation by teachers and students.’

”Rasmei Kampuchea, Vol.17, #4937, 4.7.2009
Newspapers Appearing on the Newsstand:
Saturday, 4 July 2009

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