Tuesday, 21 July 2009

Pace of growth in fixed phone lines speeds up

Telecoms law update

THE long-awaited draft Telecoms Law is awaiting approval at the Council of Ministers, spokesman Phay Siphan said Monday, after which it will go to the National Assembly to be passed. Among the draft law’s provisions is an article requiring operators to cooperate and share infrastructure. The draft shows the law would cover telecoms management, building of infrastructure, as well as the rights and obligations of consumers, companies and authorities. One of the long-standing problems the draft will address is interconnectivity across networks. HOR HAB

The Phnom Penh Post
Tuesday, 21 July 2009
Hor Hab

TELECOM Cambodia (TC) has announced it sold twice as many fixed phone lines last year as it managed to sell in 2007, boosting the number of lines to 26,091.

Last year's increase of more than 3,600 lines - versus 1,500 in 2007 - was outlined in a TC report released this month.

TC, the state-owned fixed-line provider, is one of three operators in the market. There are around 50,000 fixed lines in the Kingdom, with the remainder shared between Camintel and Mfone.

TC's report showed that growth has continued this year with the number of fixed lines up by 1,337 in the first five months.

The same report outlined that subscribers to Camnet also increased.

"In 2007 there were about 300 Camnet subscribers, but by the close of the first half of this year, the number climbed to around 1,000 subscribers," said Lao Saroeun, TC's director general.

He said one reason for the increase in numbers was Camnet's decision to cut the cost of high-speed Internet access. Previously the monthly cost for one Megabit per second (1 Mbps) was US$1,300. However since Viettel, the operator owned by the Vietnamese military, entered the market, Camnet had dropped its price to $700 for 1 Mbps.

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