Friday, 31 July 2009

Travelers Warned Of Scam At Thai Airports

July 30th, 2009

Tourists heading to Thailand are being warned of a scam at Thai airports where foreigners are falsely arrested and must pay thousands of dollars before they can be released.

Travelers from Britain, Ireland and Denmark have already fallen of the extortion at Bangkok and Phuket airports, with the tourist minister ordering Thai airports to ramp up security.

A British couple, who were detained at Bangkok’s Suvarnabhumi Airport, were forced to pay £7500 for their release on advice from a lawyer hired on their behalf.

A scientist from Ireland was also arrested at the airport and forced to pay a large sum after being accused of stealing inexpensive make-up.

The Danish Embassy has also reported that one of its nationals has been subjected to the scam, saying that one of its nationals was recently subjected to a similar scam and has issued a warning to tourists heading to Thailand.

Thanks to Thai Visa. For more information visit their website,

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