Saturday, 18 July 2009

TV chef gives those volunteering abroad in Cambodia food preview

17 Jul 2009

The BBC last night broadcasted the first installment of a series of TV shows examining the food culture of Asia.

Offering a taster for those planning a gap year in Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia or Thailand, TV chef Rick Stein will journey to these areas on the show to explore the exotic cuisine available on the continent.

Cambodia was the first destination visited by Stein, who looked at the indigenous Kampot pepper, a product that he described as having great depth of flavour and aroma.

Also featured in the programme were beef dish Lok Lak, handmade noodles and freshwater shrimp, supplies of which the chef highlighted could be under threat due to plans to build dams along the Mekong River.

Rick Stein’s Far East Odyssey screens on BBC2 on Thursdays from 8pm and takes in Sri Lanka and Bali on August 13th before ending in Bangladesh on August 20th.

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