Thursday, 2 July 2009

Vietnam, Cambodia strengthen judicial cooperation


A delegation from the People’s Supreme Procuracy led by its deputy director Nguyen Thi Thuy Khiem began a working visit to Cambodia on July 1.

Later the same day, the delegation held talks with delegates from Cambodia’s Supreme Court led by its general prosecutor Chea Leang.

Ms Chea Leang highlighted the visit, stating that it is a turning point in boosting cooperative relations between the judiciary agencies and prosecutors of both countries.

Ms Khiem briefed Ms Chea Leang on the recent activities carried out by Vietnam’s people’s procuracy and its judicial sector. She asked Cambodia to step up cooperation in training judiciary officers and emphasized that there is an urgent need for better cooperation amongsst provinces in border areas to prevent trans-national crime.

Ms Khiem also extended an invitation to Cambodia’s Supreme Court to attend the upcoming China-ASEAN Prosecutors General Conference which will be held in Vietnam in November.

For her part, Ms Chea Leang spoke highly of Vietnam’s proposals, and expressed her wish that both countries will hold more seminars and training courses for judiciary officers and increase exchanges.

During the five-day trip, the Vietnamese delegation will pay a courtesy visit to Cambodia’s Ministry of Justice, Prime Minister Hun Sen and other senior officials from Cambodia’s Supreme Court.

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