Thursday, 27 August 2009

Bridge traffic restricted

Photo by: Sovan Philong
Trucks drive across Cambodian-Japanese Friendship Bridge on Wednesday.

The Phnom Penh Post
Thursday, 27 August 2009
Khoun Leakhana

MUNICIPAL authorities earlier this week issued a directive prohibiting heavy trucks from transporting sand and dirt across major bridges in Phnom Penh in an effort to reduce traffic congestion and help keep the capital clean.

The governors of Russei Keo and Meanchey districts were advised to stop the trucks from crossing the Cambodian-Japanese Friendship Bridge, the Monivong Bridge and the Stung Meanchey Bridge, the directive stated.

Heng Chantheary, chief of the municipal Traffic Police, said Wednesday that his officers had already begun implementing the directive.

"We think everyone should join with us and respect this new policy in order to reduce the number of road accidents, limit any further damage to municipal bridges and help keep the city clean," he said.

"We have already sent copies of the directive to all targeted regions of the city in order to carry it out properly," he added.

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