Thursday, 20 August 2009

'General' charged with fraud, forgery

The Phnom Penh Post
Wednesday, 19 August 2009
Chrann Chamroeun

A CON man posing as a two-star general serving in Prime Minister Hun Sen's bodyguard unit has been charged with fraud, forgery of public documents and using illegal weapons, police officials said.

Mok Chito, head of the Interior Ministry's Criminal Police, said Meng Sarith, alias Moeung, 42, was arrested on Saturday after being called in for questioning by police.

"We brought him for interrogation from his home in Russey Keo district's Chroy Changvar commune after receiving several complaints from victims for his alleged fraud and forgery of public documents," he said.

"After questioning him, we realised that he was a fraudster who [had posed] as a government councillor and had fake identification cards pretending to be Hun Sen's bodyguard."

Mok Chito cited one victim's complaint that Meng Sarith cheated him of US$4,500 after promising to use his "influence" as the prime minister's bodyguard to free the victim's imprisoned brother from Siem Reap provincial prison, just one of several complaints made against the man.

Meng Sarith is now in Prey Sar prison awaiting trial, he said.

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