Monday, 10 August 2009

The Phnom Penh Post News in Brief

In Brief: U19s lose all three ties

Monday, 10 August 2009

HO CHI MINH CITY – Cambodian U19s concluded a disappointing tournament in Vietnam, losing 3-0 to Australia Saturday. The boys had endured two previous losses in their group, 3-0 to Thailand last Tuesday, and 3-1 to Singapore Thursday, with Prak Monyoudom the only Cambodian on the scoresheet. Other results in the groups set up semifinals tonight in Ho Chi Minh City, featuring Thailand against Malaysia and Vietnam against Australia.

In Brief: Asean cooperation

Monday, 10 August
Chun Sophal

The Cambodian-ASEAN Civil Society Organisation said Saturday that it would like to expand cooperation among member states to facilitate greater exchanges in social, cultural, technological and political development. "We hope that the organisation will help Cambodia reach its full potential technologically and economically in order to put it on a more common footing with its fellow ASEAN members," said Som Aun, president of Cambodian-ASEAN Civil Society Organisation.

In Brief: MFI transparency

Monday, 10 August 2009
Nguon Sovan

Some 25 leaders from Cambodian microfinance institutions along with nongovernmental organisation micro-lenders met on Friday at the Cambodiana Hotel in Phnom Penh for a workshop on transparent pricing in the sector. "Cambodia has a very high degree of transparency pricing. Interest rates in Cambodia are very competitive and reasonably transparent when compared to other microfinance institutions around the world," Waterfield said. "We will go to the most difficult countries and use Cambodia as an example for them," he added.

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